Yesterday we arrived in Tel Aviv and traveled to Tiberius a city along the Sea of Galilee/ Lake Galilee / Sea of Tiberius. It was startling to think that we are in Galilee where Jesus lived and did most of his ministry!
We loaded up on the bus and headed out. Our first stop was Caesarea. It was fascinating to see the ruins, especially of Herod’s palace, but I’ll be honest I’m really excited about some other stops and this just didn’t hold much appeal to me.
This aqueduct, though, was impressive. They built this city, here, to be a port on the Mediterranean Sea. It connected Judah with the rest of the Roman Empire, but there was no water source, so water was brought to the city with massive aqueducts. This one survives, in part.
After the ruins at Caesarea we headed for Armageddon. Yup, that’s right. I stood on armageddon: the ancient site of Megiddo. It was interesting to see the ruins and learn about the history. It is the prophetic end of the world according to Revelations, but something else which our guide pointed out caught my attention:
Judges 7 says, “Then Jerubbaal, that is, Gideon, and all of the people with him rose early and set up camp beside the Harod spring; Midian’s camp was north of theirs, in the valley by the Moreh hill.”
In this photo the site of Judges 7 can be seen:
We went to Nazareth and toured the Basilica of the Annunciation. The site celebrated as the site of Joseph’s home.
The last stop on the tour was Cana.
The church which sits on the supposed site of the wedding feast at Cana of Galilee where Jesus turned water into wine.