A Twitch
This week I have had a twitch in my eye and a very sore neck.  Hmmm…  Wonder if it had anything to do with the Research Report due last night and the fact that I felt as though I was behind in my reading?
Stress has a different effect on all of us.  If you had asked me whether or not I was stressed this week, I would have denied it.  That isn’t just me *trying* to be modest.  No.  The truth is that we all find ourselves in self-denial sometimes.  For me, this week it was the stress of school that I ignored until my body finally said, “HEY!  Scott!  Pay attention to your stress!”
Sometimes our self-denial manifests in our spiritual lives. There are times that I ignore my spiritual needs.  Do you ever do that?  Who really ever thinks, “Oh, yeah…I think I’m spiritually unhealthy this week?”  There is a question that is very important, especially as United Methodists: “How is it with your soul?”  The guy upstairs (not God, but literally the guy who lives in the dorm above me), often asks me, “How is it with your soul.  I seldom respond with a very straight answer (sorry, Tim), but having that question asked of me on a regular basis has made me think more about my spiritual health.

This is a question that I ask us all to ponder.  “How is it with your soul?”  Take a dry erase marker and write it on your bathroom mirror or put this question up on your refrigerator door.  Take moments throughout your week (or day) to think about how it is with your soul: looking beyond the everyday and looking to “the heart of the matter.”